2015年5月10日 星期日

TISJA的爵士鼓老師 - 來自比利時的米米費德拉梅!超具爆發力與音樂性的Mimi老師,準備提升你打鼓的境界!

Mimi Verderame 米米費德拉梅

比利時  / 爵士鼓 - 華麗原力

南歐血液的奔騰,透過綿延不絕的鼓技,清楚地呈現在世人眼前!繁複的節拍從來不是障礙,而是一種極致的美學,敲擊中展現旋律線條,也調和了音樂的甘醇,目前擔綱歐洲吉他大師Philip Catherine的三重奏成員

具有義大利血統的鼓手Mimi Verderame,6歲即開始學習鼓,14歲時即進入列日音樂院研讀,並且在17歲時即與偉大的薩克斯風手Jacques Pelzer合作。身為比利時吉他大師Philip Catherine三重奏的鼓手。

Mimi身經百戰,曾經與Rosario Giuliani、John Ruocco、Toots Thielemans、Giovanni Mirabassi等歐美爵士名家合作,並在2008年應台灣爵士樂名家啟彬與凱雅之邀來台巡迴演出。除了精湛的鼓技外,Mimi亦是一位十分優秀的吉他手 ,同時也是優秀的作曲家,曾經以他自己的名義發行Mister Jo、Bumpy Road等專輯,演奏許多他自己的創作,此外也參與台灣爵士樂拍檔啟彬與凱雅的多張國際製作爵士樂專輯錄音。

Mimi Verderame

Belgium / Drums

The ebullience of Southern Europe shining through his virtuosic style, Mimi sublimates the complicated rhythm into an artistic expression, conveying a lyricism in his beats. He is a member of European Jazz guitar master Philip Catherine’s trio.

Italian origin, as of tender age he shows great interest in drums. Already at age 6 he studies the basics, at age 14 he enters the Liège music academy and at age 17 he does his first steps in jazz with a great master - sax player Jacques Pelzer. Besides the regular band member of the Belgium jazz guitar virtuoso Philip Catherine, Mimi also performs with jazz artists such as Rosario Giuliani, John Ruocco and Toots Thielemans, Giovanni Mirabassi, etc. In 2008, Mimi was invited to join the tour of the Taiwan jazz musicians Chipin and Kaiya. Mimi is also an excellent guitar player, Even Philip Catherine is surprised at his beautiful guitar playing. Mimi composes as well and records several albums under his own name. Mimi also participated in Chipin and Kaiya’s albums and tour.

