台灣 / 鋼琴.教育總監 - 典雅原力
曾於國家演奏廳演出「台灣新爵士」主題音樂會及兩廳院夏日爵士派對音樂會,台北國際爵士音樂節節目策劃與演出音樂家,台北國際爵士音樂營創辦人,爵士原力講堂策劃與主講。2008年「Mr.⽐布」獲第十九屆金曲獎流行音樂演奏類最佳專輯獎⼊圍,隔年專輯入選法國坎城MIDEM國際音樂博覽會台灣主題館。此外並陸續出版專輯「爵士台灣映象」、「⽶米妹妹」、「記憶漫遊」、「敲敲幸福的門」、「JACK計畫 - 自由航程」等,專書「音樂原來是這樣-音程的奧妙與魅力」與「經典爵士鋼琴大師的音樂世界」是華文世界中不可多得的現代音樂出版專書。
國際足跡方面,曾於印尼⽖哇國際爵士音樂節、日本福岡爵士⾳音樂節、以⾊列海法、耶路撒冷、特拉維夫三城巡迴、南非SAJE Jazz Festival、The Crypt、開普敦大學、日本沖繩國際音樂節、日本東京洗足學園音樂大學等地演出,並受邀於南非開普敦大學、馬來西亞國際音樂學院等音樂名校講學。
Kai-ya Chang
Taiwan / Piano
The noted jazz pianist and educator in Taiwan. She has gained recognition in both her composing and arranging ability. Besides releasing 6 albums, she has performed and taught in different arenas. Kaiya is currently a faculty in the music department of Shih-Chien University, and she has also co-founded TIJEPA and TIJS.
Master's degree of jazz and Latin piano of the Royal Conservatory Brussels, the pianist of Chipin & Kaiya's Jazz Group. She played "Taiwan New Jazz" concert at the National Recital Hall and released the well-acclaimed "Impressions of Taiwan" Duo album. In March 2005, she and Chi-pin Hsieh were invited to perform in the Java International Jazz Festival in Jakarta, and cooperated with famous performer of Taiwanese opera Mei-yun Tang to present five concerts that integrated traditional and modern music elements. Besides the schedule of performances, she was invited frequently to hold lectures by various schools and institutions. She also works as the contributor of the website "Chipin & Kaiya's Jazzsite". In 2007 she went to Belgium to record the second quartet album “Mr. BeBu” to present a new pattern of jazz in Taiwan. Now she teaches in the music department of Shih-Chien University. From 2004, she works as the faculty and director of Education of the Taipei International Summer Jazz Academy.
Besides lecturing and performing in various organizations, Kaiya and Chipin co-pen "Chipin & Kaiya's Jazzsite", the most professional and well-rounded jazz educational and promotional website in the Chinese speaking area. Kaiya teaches in the music department of Shih-Chien Univerty, She also lectures at every semester at National University of Arts. From 2004, she has been the faculty and educational director of TIJEPA. In year 2008 she organizes In-depth Jazz workshops analyzing the styles and impact of 6 jazz piano masters. In 2009, she organized the unprecedented in-depth lectures titled ”50 Anniversary of 1959”with Chi-pin Hsieh. Her new album in 2009“Jazz Promenade”was well-received.
Miss Kai-ya Chang also published 2 books and 1 score and toured in Indonesia, Japan, South Africa, Israel and Taiwan intensively, and gave master classes at University of Cape Town, South Africa, Senzoku Gakuen of College, Japan, ICOM, Malaysia and many music schools in Taiwan and overseas.