2015年5月17日 星期日

TISJA的貝斯老師 - 來自比利時的巴特迪諾夫!Bart老師最厲害的不只是畫龍點睛的功力,而是對每種音樂深入的了解及指引!

Bart De Nolf 巴特迪諾夫

比利時 / 貝斯 - 穩重原力

歐洲最忙碌的貝斯手之一,出身古典,後跨足爵士、流行、法語香頌、電音風格與錄音室等,為眾樂手爭相邀約之多面向支柱,著稱的包含世界爵士口琴大師Toots Thielemans與法國電影配樂大師Michel Legrand之團員

來自於比利時最美麗的小城布魯日,根特皇家音樂院古典低音大提琴第一獎畢業,為比利時最佳爵士貝斯手之一,曾與多位歐美爵士名家如Kenny Wheeler、Mal Waldron、Von Freeman、Lee Konitz、Bud Shank、Philip Catherine、巴西音樂大師Ivan Lins等同台演出及錄音,目前擔任比利時爵士口琴國寶Toots Thielemans的樂團固定成員,並應邀為法國香頌爵士大師Michel Legrand專輯錄音。Bart在擔任伴奏時總是以豐富的低音線襯托潤飾主奏者的即興,而在獨奏時也能展現旋律性的樂思,使低音大提琴亦能成為絕佳的旋律樂器。

1998年起擔任荷語布魯塞爾皇家音樂院爵士音樂系專任教職,並連續於2005至2014連續十一年應台北國際爵士音樂營之邀來台,為專業演出及教學經驗兼備之爵士樂手,此外也參與台灣爵士樂拍檔啟彬與凱雅的多張國際製作爵士樂專輯錄音及台灣巡迴。近期作品包括與傳奇爵士鼓手Peter Erskine的兩張專輯錄製與巡迴,第三張專輯也即將開始錄製。

Bart De Nolf

Belgium / Bass

One of the most in-demand bassists in Europe, Bart studied classical music in his early years, later he successfully crossover in different styles such as Jazz, Pop, French Chanson, plus many tour and studio works. The bassist is eagerly sought after among musicians, among his collaborator are world-renown harmonica master Toots Thieleman and French film score composer Michel Legrand. In recent years he recorded with the legendary drummer Peter Erskine for 2 albums and toured, the third album will be recorded soon.

From Bruges in Belgium, double bassist Bart de Nolf graduated from the Royal Conservatoire in Ghent and is one of the best bassist in Belgium. Bart De Nolf has worked with Kenny Wheeler, Mal Waldron, Von Freeman, Lee Konitz, Bud Shank, Philip Catherine, etc . He is the band member of Belgium Jazz master Toots Thielemans and was invited to record in French film score composer Michel Legrand’s album and concert. Bart is able to complement the soloist with inventive bass lines and is able to make the bass become a fantastic solo instrument.

He has taught in the Jazz department of Royal Conservatory of Brussels since 1998 and as a professional jazz musician and educator, he has been invited many times to Taiwan as bass faculty of TISJA from 2005-2014. Bart also participated in Chipin and Kaiya’s albums and tour.


