2015年5月12日 星期二

TISJA的吉他老師 - 來自德國的姚阿辛荀內克!你知道有多少吉他手是經過Joachim老師的調教而脫胎換骨更上一層樓的嗎?

Joachim Schoenecker 姚阿辛荀內克

德國 / 吉他 - 理性原力


身為德國的名吉他手,Joachim在荷蘭的希佛桑姆音樂院(現在的阿姆斯特丹音樂院)以及德國科隆音樂院完成學業,並在95年參加美國著名的孟克大賽獲得佳績。97年後,Joachim除了和 Patti Austin、Toots Thielemans、Peter Erskine、Jeff Hamilton、 Paquito D´Rivera、Chris Potter等樂手合作外,也開始以自己的名義發行專輯。Joachim的音樂觸角延伸地極廣,吉他三重奏、弦樂四重奏、與WDR Big Band的合作、甚至電視電影及劇場的配樂,都是他所曾經嘗試的音樂計劃,而與美國吉他好手Peter Bernstein合作的吉他二重奏更受到相當的好評。

不論是傳統爵士、現代搖滾放克,Joachim都能以卓越的技巧及流暢的樂思輕鬆的駕馭,是德國爵士吉他手中的指標人物。目前任教於 Hochschule für Musik Saar“ in Saarbrücken,並同時為德國最大吉他雜誌'Gitarre & Bass' 做專欄寫作。也參與電影與劇場配樂製作。

Joachim Schoenecker

Germany / Guitar

Joachim Schoenecker has great guitar vocabulary, added with a unique creativity and the rational deliberation of Germanic people; his music easily flows into people’s hearts. He is one of the few European winners of the Monk International Jazz Guitar Competition.

The well-known German jazz guitarist Joachim Schoenecker has studied at the Hilversums Conservatorium in Holland and at the Musikhochschule Köln. In 1995, he was the only German guitar player who had reached the semifinals in the renowned "Thelonious Monk Competition". Joachim began to perform with Toots Thielemans, Peter Erskine, Jeff Hamilton, Chris Potter, etc and worked as a leader as well from 1997. The different music projects ranging from guitar trio, string quartet, the collaboration with WDR big band and film scored he had joined and hosted are the indicators for his growing popularity and status in the international jazz community. His guitar duo with American guitarist Peter Bernstein has received great reviews. With astounding technique and fluent playing in traditional jazz, modern rock, funk, Joachim Schoenecker is one of the best jazz guitarists in Germany.

Joachim Schoenecker has been teaching jazz - guitar and ensemble classes at the “Hochschule für Musik und Theater” in Leipzig from1999 to 2005. Currently he teaches at the „Hochschule für Musik Saar“ in Saarbrücken, and is booked for teaching clinics and masterclasses worldwide. He also writes monthly columns for Germany ́s biggest guitar magazine 'Gitarre & Bass' and composes music for TV movies and theater productions.

