2015年5月19日 星期二

TISJA的長號老師 - 來自美國的艾倫弗柏!Alan老師教的永遠不只是樂器,更重要的是音樂!不管是即興演奏、作曲編曲與各類風格,通通都到位!

Alan Ferber 艾倫弗柏

美國 / 長號 - 流暢原力

最新專輯「March Sublime」甫獲得2014年第56屆葛萊美獎提名,2010年獲權威爵士雜誌Down Beat樂評與樂迷雙重票選肯定為年度最佳爵士長號手與年度最佳專輯雙料殊榮,吹奏技巧流暢富含深度,作曲風格銳利而多元,遊走於傳統與前衛之間。現活躍於紐約與世界爵士樂壇,除多張專輯出版外,亦具備豐富的教學經驗,任教於紐約大學與琵琶第音樂院

2010年獲Down Beat雜誌樂評與樂迷雙重票選肯定為當代最優秀爵士長號手之一,為國際知名的爵士長號手、作曲家與樂團領導者。年紀尚未滿四十歲即發行四張風格迥異的專輯,華爾街日報讚譽他的作品遊走於傳統與前衛之間,卻又游刃有餘富含深度,最新專輯「March Sublime」甫獲得2014年第56屆葛萊美獎提名。

除自身作品外,現居紐約的艾倫弗柏也經常與眾多爵士樂大師如Lee Konitz、Kenny Wheeler等合作,並參與百老匯音樂劇與流行音樂的演出與錄音,曾與The National、Dr.Dre、Kelly Clarkson 、Sufjan Stevens等合作錄音。在活躍繁忙的演出與創作行程之餘,現並任教於紐約大學與琵琶第音樂院,教授爵士長號與爵士樂相關課程。

Alan Ferber

USA / Trombone

Alan Ferber has released four albums, all of which blur traditional boundaries through an intriguing mix of influences. The Wall Street Journal affectionately describes his music as “somehow both old school and cutting edge”. Alan’s latest project with his nonet and string orchestra, called Chamber Songs has been released on Sunnyside Records. It creates an “instantly transcendent musical experience that floats effortlessly and beautifully between jazz and classical music” (WNYC) and was named one of the best CDs of 2010 in Down Beat Magazine.

Alan has released two additional recordings featuring his nonet on the reputable Fresh Sound New Talent label, The Compass and Scenes From An Exit Row. It makes sense that Alan’s music draws from such a broad stylistic base considering the disparate list of artists he has performed and recorded with over the years: Charlie Hunter, Sufjan Stevens, Harry Connick Jr, Lee Konitz, Toshiko Akiyoshi, Dr. Dre, Kenny Wheeler, John Hollenbeck, Don Byron, Kelly Clarkson, and They Might Be Giants. He also remains busy on the commercial music scene in New York, performing steadily on Broadway shows, commercial jingle recordings, and album recording sessions.

As a composer, Alan has written over fifty original works and has received commissions from Bang On A Can, the Atlantic Brass Quintet, and various high schools and universities. As an educator, Alan is currently adjunct professor of trombone and jazz studies for the Cali School of Music at Montclair State University and the Peabody Conservatory of Music at Johns Hopkins University.

