竭誠歡迎您的加入!今年度活動不但有給成年人的專業營隊,更有給小朋友與青少年的培訓計畫,一起爵士吧!17 Jazz 8!
The documentary captured the in-depth interviews of the TISJA faculty/artists whose been in Taiwan at least more than 5 years every year, some of them even came for 10 times annually to devote themselves into the jazz and contemporary music education.
The Taipei International Summer Jazz Academy isn't only just for the summer! It's a compact plan throughout the years and the local faculty and organizers work so hard to keep as many of the Asian sensations together.
Join us for the 12 rendition! We not only have the original course design for the adults, this year we launch the TIJEPA Jazz Kids side program for children and teenagers from 10 to 16!
TISJA is indeed the largest Summer Jazz Camp in Asia since 2004 and we welcome applicants from all over the world!
"This little buddy is now 10 years older, and on his way to become a great musician. He’s coming to TISJA this year, to learn more about the beautiful world of jazz.
To all my friends and students from these last 10 years: hey guys, let’s join TISJA 2015, I want to hear you play !"
"There is no reason to get up and play wrong notes, it takes the same amount of physical energy to play the right notes as it does to play the wrong notes. You gotta be very honest in the practice room, YOU HAVE TO!" ~ John Ruocco
截至今日,演奏爵士長號讓我的人生充滿了刺激,爵士樂的訓練幫助我走進各類千載難逢的機遇中,並能與各種不同類型的音樂家們合作演出與錄音:譬如爵士(Lee Konitz, Don Byron, Kenny Wheeler, Toshiko Akiyoshi)、流行(Yoko Ono, Kelly Clarkson, Harry Connick Jr, Nancy Sinatra, David Byrne)、獨立搖滾(Sufjan Stevens, The Hold Steady, St Vincent)、嘻哈(Dr. Dre)、百老匯(The Producers, Chorus Line, In The Heights, Catch Me If You Can)、古典(Argento Chamber Ensemble, San Diego Symphony)與拉丁(Poncho Sanchez)等。