2015年6月2日 星期二
以色列爵士靈魂歌后Geila Zilkha與日本爵士鋼琴大師Yuki Arimasa,也將來到TISJA中客座講學,以及在最後三天的音樂會中演出哦!把握第二次招生機會!
不只如此!最新最熱消息!我們還會邀請日本頂尖爵士音樂學府 - 洗足學園音樂大學爵士音樂系的兩位爵士樂教授,同時也是活躍於日本爵士樂壇的高手 - 以色列爵士靈魂歌后Geila Zilkha與日本爵士鋼琴大師Yuki Arimasa,來到TISJA中客座講學,以及在最後三天的音樂會中演出哦!
是的,7/17、18、19三天晚上與最後一天下午,是我們優良的傳統 - TISJA師生聯合發表慶祝音樂會以及特別來賓大匯演哦!地點在實踐大學音樂廳!快來報名吧!
Every year in TISJA, we not only got 10 international faculty working with you all, but also invite some league schools oversea to come to Taipei, makes the whole camp even much fruitful, so do the international musicians can network with each other, and the students learn more regional experience from all over the world.
Remember we just visited Senzoku Gakuen College of Music in Tokyo, Japan? Yes! two of the great jazz faculty and first rate musicians who active in Tokyo Jazz scene - Vocalist Geila Zilkha (Israel/Japan) and pianist Yuki Arimasa (Japan) will visit TISJA 2015 as guests for master classes, sessions and concert performances with all the international jazz faculty and students!
So, what are you waiting for? Go submit TISJA 2015 right now, the 2nd round recruitment is starting!!
Please share this to your friends nearby who love music and wanna learn jazz music seriously!
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