台北國際爵士音樂營小號老師 - 大衛史密斯
我認為對一位樂手來說,不管你原來是演奏什麼風格的,能夠得到一些爵士樂的經驗與啟發,是很有意義的事 - 創意、好的節奏 、在樂器與音樂上的詮釋與自我表達、理解和聲、能夠與樂團中其他樂手溝通與互動...等,這些都會持續在任何音樂風格的演奏中遭遇到,更不用說藉由爵士樂的角度切入,通常也都蠻好玩的!你可以看看Mark Inouye,知道他是誰嗎?他現在是紐約愛樂管絃樂團的首席小號,他不但古典強,爵士也是一把罩,他應該也會同意我的看法:
I'm looking forward to returning to Taiwan in July for the Taipei International Summer Jazz Academy. Each year it is one of the highlights of my year, I enjoy working with the fantastic faculty and especially the students that put such energy into playing and developing. It's also great to see returning students and the relationships they've built at TISJA, forming bands and playing with each other and furthering their development beyond the workshop.
We're always looking for brass students, anyone that has friends in the area that might be interested please share with them. Brass instruments are such an important part of jazz, and a refreshing voice these days in a world of saxophones, guitars and pianos (no offense intended to any of the great players on those instruments!).
I think getting some jazz experience is valuable for a player in any style - creativity, good rhythm, facility with expression on the instrument (and self-expression), understanding of harmony, being able to communicate and interact with other musicians in an ensemble are all skills that will help in ANY musical situation. Not to mention that it's quite a bit of fun. Check out Mark Inouye, who is currently playing principal trumpet with the New York Philharmonic, he seems to agree:
"Symphony trumpeter Mark Inouye can do anything"
Join TISJA to learn with David Smith and other great Jazz Faculty! Apply here!
(翻譯:謝啟彬 Translated by: Chi-pin Hsieh)