本屆TISJA使用宿舍為實踐大學學生宿舍,就在營隊所在 - 實踐大學音樂系旁,確定入住者,須繳交新台幣1,000元或等值外幣。
因宿舍為校方管轄,統一check in時間為7/13(一)上午學員報到時,統一check out時間為7/19(日)[最後活動結束於傍晚],共計六晚,意即7/12(日)與7/19(日),無法住宿,請外地學員自行尋找住宿地點,敬請見諒!
For TISJA students registered for the dormitory, the cost and the check-in-out time have been confirmed:
This year we were allowed to use the "original" student dormitory - just next to the Music Department of USC. The cost will be 1,000NTD or 30USD.
Due to the regulation of the university, all the students who would like to live at the dormitory, the check-in time will be 7/13 (Mon), the check-out time will be 7/19 (Sun) [Last event will be in the afternoon], 6 nights for total, which means that it's not possible to stay on 7/12 (Sun) and 7/19 (Sun), sorry for the inconvenience.
Your room number will be assigned in the morning of the first day arrival, we will storage your luggages first then bring them in in the evening. Attention: Due to the regulation of the university, the students have to leave the dormitory every morning all together for the lesson, and return all together at the same time in the evening, we will have staff helping on that, please follow the indication!
The USC student dormitory is a very basic one, we will provide sleeping bags for you, if you needed additional pillow or other stuff, please inform us in advance.
If you haven't fill in the application form up to now because havn't done the audition clips, we strongly suggest you to apply first before Sunday (6/21) and mark yourself for the dormitory, we won't be possible to add you on the list after that.