1. 已收到錄取通知並已繳費確認的台灣地區學員
2. 確認出席的外籍學員
[This is the FB group for TISJA 2015]
1. If you lived in Taiwan and paid the tuition fee
2. You already inform us that you will definitely come
歡迎加入2015 TISJA!
各位TISJA 2015學員您好:
1. 如果您還沒收到錄取通知,有可能是您還沒交Demo錄音或錄影,煩請您來信告知!
2. 如果您已收到錄取通知,煩請於本週五(7/10)前匯款學費完成,以利作業(緊湊的課程表已經都完成囉!還會有細部的課表出爐!)
3. 住宿的部分都已確定了!無法再更改,如您還沒繳交學費,宿舍的費用也可以一起繳,再於繳費確認中註明即可
4. 晚點我們會在官網上公佈交通資訊與校園地圖,以及應準備的物品清單 - 是的,我們都幫大家列好囉!(註:已經公佈)
再度恭喜大家加入TISJA 2015的行列!
Dear TISJA 2015 Participants:
This is a notice for all both in Chinese and English, you can ignore the information if you don’t reside in Taiwan locally then. Here’s for the Non-Taiwanese participants:
1. If you applied but haven’t got any confirmation nor acceptance letter, it’s probably because you haven’t sent us the recording materials by link, please do soon.
2. The Dormitory is all set, as mentioned we will provide you the sleeping bag, if you needed extra pillows or blanket, please let us know. (No extra charge)
3. We will publish the map and the travel info and the access both in Chinese and English, and the check-list for what you need to bring along, please stay tuned. (Note: the info pages have already published)
If you have more questions, please feel free to ask, thank you very much!
BTW some seats of instruments are still available, if your friends or classmates or bandmates are interested, please encourage them to apply soon! (No Dorm. though)
(If we added you to the FB group it means that you confirm to come, and please keep this group to you and the other participants only.)